The way one approaches cooking could also be said for the way one approaches life. Take me for example: Whenever I try a new recipe I approach it cautiously and follow it exactly. I avoid adding personal touches. I simply follow the recipe as intended by the Chef. After I’ve tasted the end product I’ll then go back and tweak the recipe to suit my own personal preference.
But what if there is no teacher, no guide, or no leader? Then the follow-the-leader approach crumbles, like a cookie without baking powder. Unlike cooking, there is no manual on how to do everything in life, and without someone leading the way; one is often left to search on ones own. Sounds like a good thing right?
Yes, being left to search, discover and explore independently is great, however, a guide is often appreciated. It’s for this exact reason that we see so many people seeking outside influence and inspiration. But the truth is, we’re slowly becoming a society of passive observers—watching how things are done, listening to how others did what they’ve done, and then do nothing with the newfound knowledge.
The solution: Curiosity. Allow your curiosity to lead you, let it surface, and LISTEN to it when it questions things. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% in favour of learning from others, but use caution, and don’t be afraid to add your own personal touches. Take out the parts you like, and then discard the crust.
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