Saturday, November 20, 2010

Travelling Through Writing

One day I’m going to write a novel, one day I’m going to write a book. Too many of us talk about writing with the preface of ‘one day’, and for some reason that ‘day’ never comes.

Last year, traveling through the web I landed on NANOWRIMO stands for National Novel Writing Month. Their premise is simple, write a novel in November, and submit it to their website on the 30th. The content has to be new, and a minimum of 50,000 words. {there is a word scramble, so no one is going to steal your s*}

This year my mind unravelling challenge was to read a Science Fiction book each month, so staying in the same genre, I’m writing a Science Fiction story for nanowrimo. It’s funny how the story is starting to form, because on day one I had a hundred different stories in mind, but luckily for me there was a bully in my brain, who pushed her way out of my hippocampus, and into my frontal lobe.

So, this morning I’m travelling through the earth to the SFContario Science Fiction Convention in Toronto to learn about Food in SF, Keeping the Science in Science Fiction, and four other panel lead discussions. The convention started yesterday, but there are daily passes for today and tomorrow.

SFContario Science Fiction Convention -

National Novel Writing Month -

VIDEO ~ Outkast – Return of the G { contains ungranny language }

VIDEO ~ Outkast – Return of the G { instrumental version }


Anonymous said...

can't wait to hear your story it sounds like you got a lot of ideas that could make for and interesting story. is there any ungranny language in it?


Anonymous said...

*smiling* Thanks Yantruoc!

Yes, there's a bit of ungranny language, but only lightly seasoned.